Thursday, February 2, 2012

Acha Pizzeria: On A Hearty Light Weekend Dinner

After spending an hour or so of alternate jogging, running and walking around an oval on a Saturday evening, me and a couple of colleagues were craving for some pasta. Located within a couple of blocks away from the oval was this lovely, laidback pizza place called Acha Pizzeria.
The entrance

It was very cozy inside. Although the entire room was quite small, it felt airy and spacious, which is probably due to the large mirrors occupying the walls of the dining area. More so, the tables and chairs were arranged in such a way that there is ample space to move around. Luckily for us, there was no one else there but our group. It was probably because it was way beyond dinnertime already. That made it faster for the orders to arrive. A couple of girls came in around the time our orders were served. Hence, wait time was short and great.

Me and Mr Kyme opted to share a pasta to avoid consuming too much (LOL). We had their lasagna.
Lasagna (Served with pita bread)

Our colleagues ordered their spaghetti and carbonara. They were also served with baked pita bread.

The one who ordered spaghetti did not like what she got since it was too sour for her taste. She prefers it a little on the salty side. I enjoyed it though since I could taste the fresh tomato sauce. This just shows how people vary in preference for food, hence eliminating the possibility of the best restaurant ever. Just my two cents.

The carbonara, on the other hand, was the top favorite of the group. It was fortunate that two of my colleagues ordered the said dish, which was ravished by most of us. Our spaghetti-loving companion ended up helping her seatmate consume the white sauce pasta instead.

The group opted for an 11" Mediterranean Pizza. It had taco beef, onions, tomato, bellpepper and cheeze. It had hot sauce as well. The best two things about their pizza is the generous toppings and the dough. It was thicker than the usual thin-sliced doughs, and it was very soft and chewy. I'd prefer it over Pizza Hut's regular variation in that aspect. I also like the fact that it is already made with hot sauce.

Unfortunately, I was not able to take a nice picture of it since it was easily consumed once it landed on our table.  
 Exactly how I feel

Yes. That's their plate.

We capped of our delish yet inexpensive meal with a bottle each of Magnolia fruit drink. Aside from being less-unhealthy than the regular cola, it was cheaper though. Acha Pizzeria definitely was able to stand up to its inexpensive nature (in my point of view, that is). It is one of the places to eat in Cebu that I am sure to be coming back every now and then.

To rate Acha Pizzeria:
Billed: Below P200 for two people
Service: Fast yet relaxed
Ambiance: Great for romantic nights. Good for friends and families as well.
Food: Delish!

Address: Jones Avenue, Cebu City (Right beside KIOSK billiards)
Contact #s: 412-6121 / 09225345481


  1. i was there! really the lasagna was yum! can't wait for another try!!! as for pizza it was so-so for me because i like thin crust pizza that has a little crunch to it. but for a bargain, at this place! worth the trip :)

    1. Thanks for dropping by, FoodieTravelsCebu!

      I don't agree with you on the pizza though. I'm for thicker yet soft crusts :)
